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Unless noted both sessions for the week will have the same Elluminate session.

Week of March 19th // Online:  Elluminate
Wednesday (21st) 12:30-2:00 LIb 618a
Thursday (22nd) 9:30-11:00 LIB 618a

1. Discuss and Finalize Rubric


Week of March 26th // Online:  Elluminate
Wednesday (28th) 12:30-2:00 LIb 618a
Thursday (29th) 9:30-11:00 LIB 618a

1. Discuss Critical Services/Tools
2. Discuss standard questions that will be asked of both Companies during their demonstrations.


Week of April 2nd // Online:  Elluminate
Wednesday (4th) 12:00-2:00 CIS 1044
Thursday (5th) 9:00-11:00 CIS 1044

1. Instructure (Canvas) demonstration/presentation by Instructure Reps


Week of April 9th // Online:  Elluminate
Wednesday (11th) 12:00-2:00 CIS 1044
Thursday (12th) 9:00-11:00 CIS 1044

1. Blackboard demonstration/presentation by Blackboard Reps


Week of April 16th // Online:  Elluminate
Wednesday (18th) 12:00-2:00 CIS 1044
Thursday (19th) 9:00-11:00 CIS 1044

1. Moodle demonstration/presentation by MoodleRooms Reps


Week of April 23th Online: Ellumiante
Wednesday (25th) 12:30-2:00 LIB 618a
Thursday (26th) 9:30-11:00 LIB 618a

1. USF Advocate Presentations


Week of April 30th
Wednesday (May 2nd) 12:30-2:00 LIB 618a// Online:  Elluminate
Thursday (May 3rd) 9:30-11:00 LIB 618a //Online:  Elluminate

1. Discussion among group members about overall thoughts.


Week of May 7th
Wednesday (May 9th) 12:30-2:00 LIB 618a// Online:  URL TBD
Thursday (May 10th) 9:30-11:00 LIB 618a // Online:  URL TBD

1. Group Recommendation.